Fun Facts
- Mira Hershey Hall was the first building funded by a woman philanthropist and named for her
- Women residents of Mira Hershey Hall were not allowed to enter the residence’s cafeteria wearing curlers
- Men visiting women in Mira Hershey Hall could only do so on Sundays from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Mira Hershey was related to Milton S. Hershey, who created the Hershey’s chocolate empire in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the city where Mira Hershey was born
- During the 1965 protest against making Hershey Hall a graduate coed residence, slogans of the women included “We love men, but not for breakfast” and “Don’t make our nunnery a brewery”
- Hershey Hall Architect Douglas McLelland departed from the Romanesque style of the original four campus buildings and from the Gothic Revival style of Kerckhoff Hall, designing an Italian Renaissance-style building, light, even feminine in feeling